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TLCBBQ​ (大埔)

TLCBBQ 是來自屯門大欖涌村的「大欖燒烤」,「大欖燒烤」始創於2003年,至今已經踏入第二十年,今年有幸進駐大埔汀角路,繼續為大家提供高質素燒烤食品及場地,燃續港式燒烤文化。

TLCBBQ is a barbecue restaurant from Tai Lam Chung Village in Tuen Mun. TLCBBQ was established in 2003 and has now entered its twentieth year. This year, they are fortunate to have opened a new location on Ting Kok Road in Tai Po, continuing to provide high-quality barbecue food and venue for everyone, carrying on the tradition of Hong Kong-style barbecue culture.


Oversized barbecue tables

TLCBBQ 特設獨家特大燒烤枱,讓每位客人都可以更舒適地圍爐燒烤,燒烤、用餐、談天同時進行。

TLCBBQ features exclusive oversized barbecue tables, designed to provide a more comfortable experience for each guest to gather around the grill. This allows for the simultaneous enjoyment of barbecuing, dining, and engaging in conversation.

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螢幕截圖 2023-09-14 15.38.50.jpg


​Premium Ingredients

TLCBBQ 亦非常著重食物的質素,燒烤食物由自家工場新鮮醃製,用料上乘而且調味恰到好處,並以乾淨整潔的環境提供美味食材,多年獲得顧客的好評和信任。

TLCBBQ also places great emphasis on the quality of food. Their barbecued food is freshly marinated in their own factory, using premium ingredients and perfectly balanced seasonings. They provide delicious ingredients in a clean and tidy environment, which has earned them high praise and trust from customers over the years.


星期二至五 TUESDAY - FRIDAY 14:00 - 22:00 

星期六 SATURDAY 13:00 - 23:00

星期日 SUNDAY 13:00 - 23:00


202 Ting Kok Road Tai Po

​大埔大尾篤汀角路 202 號

查詢電話 Enquiry Number

9509 4385

(18:00 - 20:00 繁忙時間請耐心等候)



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